“Usage of Pornography” Always Needs to be Checked
Just encountered a passionate immense kissing scene while watching a movie. Does it turn you on? But your partner is not available. What next.? You decide to watch any story based visual pornography and masturbate to it. Yeah, it feels great after having a session. Masturbating to pornography is healthy and natural. Usage of pornography for this purpose is not anything to be ashamed of.! So don’t be ashamed of it, never. It actually signifies that you are maturing sexually. Isn’t it good.? Of course, yes.!!
A 2019 review found that the majority of men (64 to 70 percent) and a smaller percentage of women (23 to 33 percent) use pornography.
Many of us use the medium of visual pornography when we feel like having sex but we are not with our partners or don’t have any partner. We consider it as the best way to somehow achieve orgasms. But just like a coin, usage of pornography also has another side. More usage of pornography than usual is not at all healthy, neither for your health nor for your sexual life.

How usage of pornography affect sexual life of a person?
The world of pornography has an array of disproportionate sizes of penises, surgical bodies, unusual energies, unrealistic long erections of penises and what not.
Whole industry of pornography runs on drugs and unrealistic scenarios of sexual interpretation. This not only gives wrong impression of sex on our teenagers, who use pornography to know what sex is all about, but also increase the expectations of people from their partners. Which cannot be fulfilled in real lives, of course.
Porn industry gives an impression that women are always ready to have sexual intercourse. They can be approached at any public place, their own houses, offices, hospitals, classes and anything you can think of. It depicts women as sex objects and sends a message that women enjoy being that. They enjoy brutality and violence during sexual intercourse. This also increases the crimes behind the doors of a married couple’s bedroom.
Everyone has access to porn sites including lower class and illiterates. They tend to believe all the unrealistic choreographed sex scenes as true and start wish to experience it. As a result, they commit rapes.

A study revealed that 34% of people are satisfied with their sex lives. A majority the common causes of sexual dissatisfaction were a lack of emotional intimacy (84%) and lack of communication (75%).
The results of many studies held that individuals who consume visual pornography may experience some forms of sexual insecurity and sexual expectations. Many studies recommended to stop young people learning about sex while using pornography by banning porn sites, rather teenagers should be given proper sex education.
Reasons behind unsatisfied sex life due to usage of pornography
”Is she serious? How can visual pornography affect one’s sexual life or awakening of sexual desire?” Well, this could be all in your mind, right? Here are some of the reasons:-
1) Unrealistic expectations:
• Women have unrealistic expectations of their partner’s sexual performances after watching porn movies which show fantasy sex. But in real world, such fantasy sex does not exist.
• There is a rise in the number of women watching pornography online. This means more are expecting bigger and better things from their male partners. Such expectations arise after seeing how sex is performed in the world of adult entertainment.

• Depiction of intercourse creates an idea in people’s mind that it lasts longer than average, men sustain erections longer and women experience orgasms more easily than in real world encounters.
• People get false hopes and misperceptions when they watch surgically enhanced bodies and overly choreographed sex. Proper sex education in its entirety can help in targeting the group of people with the right approach. This will help them in understanding the true scenario of sex. We should not let them watch merely penetration in porn.
• Representations of male and female orgasm in mainstream pornography may serve to create unrealistic beliefs and expectations.
2) Lack of emotional intimacy during sex
• Pornographies promote only the performance in bed but not the emotional intimacy. When people watch them to learn new ways, they miss out on emotional intimacy and fail to satisfy their partners.

• Porn producers rely heavily on shock value and ‘freak’ to maximise viewer arousal. This distorts our understanding of what is typical or common among our peers.
3) Believing the false to be true:
• Pornography can warp young male’s minds about sex, such as genitalia size, its colour, energy while performing sex and treatment of women. Opposite sex also feel similar issues. They start expecting all these unrealistic things to be perfect and start questioning their own bodies.

• The narrow representations of sexual performance and physical attractiveness in pornography plays with the mind of viewers. Sexual concerns and sexual expectations among young men and women (e.g., body and performance related sexual distractions, negative genital self-image, and expectations of one’s partner) increases.
• Young people turn to porn to find out how things work, but what they learn is not especially helpful. Porn provides lessons in exaggerated performance, dominance and self-indulgence. The relationships are superficial and detached.
For more: Thoughts of Women During Sex
• People watching porn analyse orgasm inducing sex acts, involvement of clitoral stimulation, sounds of men and women when they climaxed. They also notice the movements of their bodies when they reach their sexual peak. This is not same in real life scenario, at all, making themselves unsatisfied.
4. Erectile dysfunction:
• More usage of pornography can led to erectile dysfunction in men. Women start expecting more from their male partners.
Men that regularly watch porn are more likely to become disinterested in sex and suffer from erectile dysfunction.
Impacts on Daily lives
Watching more porn on regular basis impacts our daily lives as well to great extent. How? Let’s discuss it as well:
1) Addiction

One in five men/women nowadays watch porn three to five times a week. 3% of them admit that they prefer it over sex with a partner.
Watching porn is addictive in the same way as cocaine. It builds up a ‘tolerance’ for hardcore content over time. It leaves them unsatisfied with real-life sexual activity.
For men, researchers noticed a strong association between regularly watching porn and suffering from a lack of sexual desire and erectile dysfunction.
2) Higher tolerance
Internet pornography, specifically, has been shown to be a super normal stimulus of this circuitry. It may be due to the ability to continuously, and instantaneously self-select novel and more sexually arousing images.
Watching too much of internet pornography can increase a person’s “tolerance” in the same way as narcotics. As a result regular porn watchers are less likely to respond to real-world sexual activity. They start increasingly relying upon pornography for release.

Sexual behaviour activates the same ‘reward system’ circuitry in the brain as addictive drugs, such as cocaine and methamphetamines. This can result in self reinforcing activity, or recurrent behaviours.
So guys it is advisable to watch porn only to explore new positions and sexy moves. But not for believing them and expecting the same in real world from your partners. You need to understand that pornography industry is unrealistic. Expecting the same from your partners can lead to have a disrupted sexual life. It’s better to act smartly than to repent later.
Understand your partner’s need and communicate about yours. Don’t be afraid to try new things in bed.
For more: PCOS and Healthy Living