How men can be Gender Non-Conforming
Firstly, what is Gender Non-Conforming? It refers to the practice of not adhering to the stereotypes associated with society’s gender ideas.
Femininity in men is generally seen as a non-desirable trait. But there is nothing wrong with embracing a few traits that are deemed feminine; it does not make you any less of a man. Here are 5 things you can try –
1. Emotions –
‘Boys don’t cry’ – is not true. The ability to express your feelings in a healthy manner is an indication of a confident and non-toxic self. Strong men are strong enough to recognize and show their emotions.
2. Professions –
Gender non-conforming also concentrates on making professions unisex. Men should be encouraged to take up careers such as nurses, house-helps and nannies, traditionally seen as female-oriented. Why should we be limited by our genders, boys?!
3. Dressing & Wardrobe –
From Harry Styles to our very own Ranveer Singh, we see that fashion can be unisex. Man, you want to wear a full skirt with a formal shirt – DO IT! Society should not stop you from rocking your fashion sense and your body. Drag Queens and cross-dressing people amongst us are slaying looks right and left everyday! Be confident, and you can pull off anything.
4. Makeup and Accessorizing –

Just like with clothes, who said men can’t wear makeup?! Or a boho necklace?! Or a necktie as a belt like that fashionista in the picture?! Men, you can wear anything you want and that is a part of not conforming to the gender regulations and expectations society has set upon you on your birth.
5. Likes & Hobbies –

Girls, give flowers to your boyfriends, too. They might love it! Your gender has nothing to do with your personal preferences and choices. A thread on Reddit has men confessing their love for scented candles and relaxing bubble baths full with bath salts and essential oils. My personal favorite was a heterosexual man detailing his skincare routine.
ALSO READ: Male Body Shaming : The Dirt Ball
Effeminacy is very 19th century. Let us do away with all these generalizations and rules for specific gender categories. And let people be themselves. So men, next time, you wanna try a bright red nail polish, do not shy away… You do not have to go all out at once – start small.
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