Beauty and WellnessHealth

How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health?

What is Mental Health? Do you know how you handle your mental health? How to take care of your mental health? Causes and solutions both?

“Mental health…is not a destination, it’s a process. It’s about how you drive, not where you’re going.” – Noam Shpancer, PhD

In basic words, mental health is taking care of yourself by taking the medicine of loving yourself. Mental health can be disturbed by the changes in your behaviour, your mood, how you act in the middle of a situation, and how much stress do you take. There can be various symptoms of notifying you to that you have to take care of it but we all ignore it. Instead of focusing on symptoms, focus on how you can take care of it!

What you’ve been doing wrong-(Mental health causes)

Not letting your happiness be ruined by someone.

You should not depend on someone else for your happiness. If someone left you and you can’t get over it- it means that your smile has been affected. Just try to be busy with other people to engage more and understand why it happened. Think why it got wrong and realise that it’s okay, it’s just the past. Even if nothing happened and things got worse, this might be a notification by the universe, that you need to leave it. Sometimes it could be your mistake, but not every time you have to apologise. The only solution could be forgetting about it. 

Accept what is going on in life- how to take care of your mental health? 

 Accepting things is a good thing to understand your Mental Health. When you start accepting your problems and your suffocations, you may be able to move on from it, find out that it’s not just you! It could be happening with most of  the people around you, but this is how life goes on! You just need to accept what is going on, don’t think about what you lost, think about working hard and earning way better than that. Accept your destiny, and try to change it with your mindset, which is controlled by you only.  

Don’t listen to your mind

The very important point we all forget is, do what makes you happy, do what makes your heart happy, not what your mind wants you to. Well, you shouldn’t think that your mind asks you to work harder but your heart supports a bit laziness, then obviously you should know the difference what I’m talking about. If your heart says to support someone who has none with them, be that one person. If your heart says to love someone nobody does, be their smile. What if your mind says to elect someone who’s not in support of something you wanted to have, just reject that thought of yours, and elect the fairest. 

The thing you love leads to relaxation which relieves your mental health with all the issues going on for some time. 

‘If you can attach and love, learn to detach and leave’

This defines to be balanced from everywhere. The signification of ‘attach and love’ is for giving your best efforts in every relationship, but the signification of ‘detach and leave’ is, when you get attached to someone, you need to know how to detach because if you get betrayal, you don’t want to cry over that person. 

You can give your best efforts to love that person, but when this starts getting only from your side you need to detach. 

I know this will sound very cliche but please, DON’T LET YOUR SOUL BE HURT,

 Because it’s your lovely soul. And nobody can let it be hurt until and unless you are that one. Don’t let those words which affected you to reach your soul, because when your soul gets abruptly damaged, you don’t know what happens to your mental health. Just take it in, think about it and forget!

Believe in yourself 

Don’t let anyone else let you down, let you think that you don’t have the confidence to speak up for yourself. Believe in yourself that, yes, you can do it. Nobody can disrespect you or make you realise that you don’t have any self-respect. Don’t let someone underestimate you!

How to take care of your mental health? SOLUTIONS-

Meet someone you’ve been missing out on!

Sometimes you feel alone, though we all deny that, inside us, we all want someone to whom we can talk to. Just meet someone you wanted to meet for a very long time but every time the plan fall off. Buy some time from your schedule (which is most probably not followed) and meet them. It could be your grandmother or your old friend, but meeting them will make you forget all your problems and thinking about what’s good in life. 

Be social- solution for mental health maintenance 

Meeting new people can be something interesting in your life, though you should know when you’re getting used by someone or when someone toxic entered your life. Meeting new people can make you categorise, how people’s nature is these days. Sometimes being social can be a very hard task to an introvert or an ambivert, talking to people is one of the major tasks they can never complete. But guys, your mental health is way too important, try! And if even once you can do it, it’ll be very easy for you to continue. 

Learn to say NO

Some of you can’t say NO, even when you want to say No, you end up saying yes. And because of that characteristic of yours, some people use you for their needs Like asking for something which you have but they don’t want to buy, but you can’t deny; like getting work done from you but then the ones used you are the one holding credit. You need to stop saying yes and learn to say NO. Start by little things which you respect and want to have in your life. Like saying yes to what your mind thinks, like saying yes to an idea which your brain suggested you. Then start with saying no to people. Remember one thing, that you need to respect others’ opinions, and be fair. If you think that their suggestion is better than yours, be fair. 

Sometimes, not being fair can also lead to can also take your mind away if you took the wrong decision. 

Sometimes volunteering or helping someone else can  take care of your mental healthSometimes volunteering or helping someone else can  take care of your mental health

Helping others has always been such an easing time, you feel good helping others and then sometimes your problems also mix up with theirs and gets relieved. Volunteering in an old age home or helping your own self is what we really need in our lives sometimes!

If you don’t feel good, you don’t want to do anything. It’s okay. It’s completely okay. If you want to read something, read! If you want to have a glass of wine, drink, if you want to get a gift for yourself, go and get it! 

Not feeling good about life is a pretty normal thing, because we all go through ups and downs but show that you have been living a really good life and you’re just so good. When you start accepting that you’ll automatically feel fine.

Be Busy for your mental health

Be Busy for your mental health

A basic thing about being busy is that you won’t be able to think about what is going in your life and you’ll be having nice days and so your mental health will get better gradually. 

Don’t be embarrassed

Take care of your mental health

We all think about those times when you proposed someone you didn’t want and ended up in a bad relationship, or when you accidentally liked someone’s photo which at least 4 years old. It’s okay! Don’t be embarrassed, it’s the past, you did because you didn’t know! 

I hope this article was helpful to you.

How to take care of your mental health? Causes and solutions both

7 thoughts on “How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health?

  • Prachi

    So much to learn from this article. Well written!

  • Lucky

    Yes very true that most important part is to be busy for mental health is essential.

  • Tanvee

    Such a good read and insightful

  • Saurabh Bhatia

    Beautiful piece. Keep writing

  • Poorvi Khera

    Very well written and described. Two important things we all must notice: talk your heart out with someone
    Never hesitate to seek help

  • Surbhi

    Amazingly written! Very simple but yet Very powerful. We keep forgetting these pointers but good to see these all knitted very well together in this blog. Icing on the cake was the quotes in between… Very apt… Kudos to you, Vanika!


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