7 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Bad Breath
Let’s resolve mutually and leave the judgments at the door because from time to time, news flash, we’re all guilty of stinky breath. It can be your diet. or general dental hygiene is the cause, there’s bad breath — and sometimes it happens more than you’d like. Find some natural ways to get rid of bad breath now!
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But what exactly is the cause for bad breath?
Well, TBH, there’s more than one. NYU Dentistry Department of Cariology and Comprehensive Care broke it down in professional terms. “Halitosis, also known as bad breath, is typically caused by oral, upper airway, or gastroesophageal issues.”

7 Natural ways to get rid of bad breath:
1. Clean Your Tongue
One major source of bad breath is a form of oxygen-hating bacteria called anaerobic bacteria in your mouth. Since they don’t like fresh air, the bacteria nestles deep within the surfaces of the teeth, causing inflammation and gum bleeding, which in turn creates a stinky, sulphuric byproduct. Sexy, huh?
Dentists recommend using a tongue cleaner that removes the bacteria burrowed in your tongue’s fluffy filaments. If a tongue scraper is missing from your medicine cabinet, try using a clean spoon instead.
2. Try an Oxygenated Mouthwash
Since anaerobic bacteria dislike oxygen, try gargling with an oxygenated mouthwash to kill them easily, even in areas like your tonsils which are hard to access. Yep, anaerobic bacteria appear to collect in the contours of the tonsils, producing super-pungent tonsil stones (an accumulation of bacteria and tonsil debris). Yum!-Yum!
3. Have a glass of Pineapple Juice
Many people think pineapple juice is the best and most effective cure for bad breathing. Although there is no conclusive evidence to confirm this hypothesis, anecdotal stories indicate that it may function.
Tip: Drink a glass of organic pineapple juice after every meal, or chew on a pineapple slice for one to two minutes. It’s also important to remember to rinse your mouth of the sugars in fruit and fruit juice afterward.
4. Who ate the Yogurt?
Yogurt contains lactobacillus, healthy bacteria. This good bacteria can help fend off harmful bacteria in various parts of the body, like your gut.
A survey showed that 80% of people had a drop in poor breath following six weeks of eating yogurt. Yogurt probiotics are involved in reducing the intensity of breathlessness.

Tip: To use yogurt to fight bad breath, eat at least one serving per day of plain, nonfat yogurt.
5. Are you dieting?
Green tea is considered a home remedy for bad breath. Research consistently indicates that green tea has disinfectant and odor control properties which can freshen the breath temporarily. Mint has similar effects, but a cup of green mint tea can be a great freshener to breathe.
Brew two cups of tea before going to bed and refrigerate it overnight. Pour your cool tea into a water bottle and bring it to work. Slowly sip on it throughout the day…
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6. An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away
Crunch it! Crunchy raw ingredients clean your teeth. Apples contain pectin which helps regulate odors in food and promotes the production of saliva. Cinnamon has antimicrobial effects. Active yogurt cultures help minimize bacteria that cause an odor in the mouth.
Save Your Breath!
7. Brush Your Teeth Twice Daily
Whether it’s for dental purposes, the most important thing you can do is to brush your teeth. The first thing you can consider when learning about cleaning is BRUSHING.
With a break of 12 hours, you can brush at least twice a day. The plaque in the oral cavity does not solidify when you do something and becomes calculus, so you can avoid poor breath. It also stops the rotting of the teeth.
Let’s hydrate: Taking an adequate amount of water throughout the day. A good amount of water consumption helps in keeping bacteria-fighting saliva stay in good proportions. Saliva is helpful in keeping our mouth watery.