7 Weird Masturbation Myths Debunked!
Masturbation in India is surrounded by all kinds of weird and crazy myths (which are about to be debunked!). Sex and the topics surrounding it have always been a part of the “SHhh, Aisi baatein nahi karte” group. We think it’s time to change this. Sex and masturbation are a part of our lives…and judging by the population of our country, people enjoy it quite a lot! So what’s stopping us from being open about our experiences and doubts? You might be shy to ask certain questions, but here we are…answering all those weird masturbation myths you might have heard about. Let’s get started!
What is masturbation?
According to Wikipedia, Masturbation is the sexual stimulation of one’s own genitals for sexual arousal or other sexual pleasure, usually to the point of orgasm. The stimulation may involve hands, fingers, everyday objects, sex toys such as vibrators, or combinations of these.

Masturbation is not that common of a topic of discussion. So we thought it’s better to give a heads up as to what myths we are about to debunk!
7 Masturbation Myths Debunked!
As we grow, there comes a time when our body starts acting weird, has urges and drives which have to be satiated to function peacefully, without any distractions. The onset of puberty marks the start of this. Teenagers mostly google, watch videos and\or read about the do’s and don’s about masturbation. Also, it’s often kept a secret from the family. Some might even feel shameful for how their body reacts in arousing situations. This often leads to being paranoid about the act and finding these weird myths which make it even worse!
So here are & totally bogus myths which we have debunked for you to enjoy your Me TIme!
1) Women Don’t Masturbate
Patriarchy all the way isn’t it?! Let’s debunk this long-standing myth of masturbation being an exclusively male activity! It might bruise the ego of some men to know that women can and do masturbate! (Sometimes more frequently than men!)

Due to the existing patriarchal structure, the female side of sexual pleasure has remained undercover for a long time. But not anymore! Several research studies prove that women are capable of not one but multiple orgasms!
Like men, females also get sexual urges which need to be satisfied. Unfortunately, most females do not climax during sex. This makes masturbation all the more appealing.
Several sex toys like vibrators and dildos are available to heighten the pleasure manifolds. The sex market for females is quite wide and developing.
2) Masturbation is unhealthy

This statement is absolutely false and we can prove it! Masturbation is not unhealthy but the exact opposite! Yes, it is actually healthy for you! And here’s why.
Masturbation has proven to reduce stress and tension. Moreover, they also reduce headaches and lead to better sleep! If that’s not all, here’s more! It can also help you increase fitness and improve your self-esteem…who doesn’t feel good after a climax, right?!
3) You shouldn’t masturbate while in a relationship

The myth is absolutely bogus as it has no scientific evidence at all! You might want to keep sex and climax exclusively reserved for when you’re with your partner. That’s a different story altogether. But why stop yourself from masturbating if you feel like it or are dissatisfied just because you are in a relationship?
Some might feel their partner is cheating on them or they aren’t good enough as reasons for the other’s masturbation. But what needs to be understood here is that everyone has different desires- be it emotional or sexual. And they deserve to be fulfilled. There’s nothing wrong if your partner masturbates for pleasure!
Maybe you should try it too!
4) Masturbation will make you infertile
Another myth ready to be shattered! It’s quite commonly below ever that masturbation leads to infertility. Well, gentlemen, you can relax because that’s not true! It is not going to decrease your sperm count or impact your fertility!

Though excess of it can affect your sperm count. But only temporarily. The majority of the sperms regenerate after 12-24hrs. So unless you’re some person who masturbates 4 times a day, you are good to go! Furthermore, in a 2016 study, researchers found that men who ejaculated 21 times per month or more had a reduced risk of developing prostate cancer.
You can enjoy your hastamaithoon in peace!
5) It will make you go blind!
NO! As silly as it sounds, but this is a quite common myth. This myth came into existence as people believed sex is only for procreation. Not to be practiced otherwise or in any other form. Since masturbation is based on the idea of recreation than procreation, it wasn’t accepted. Hence, the false word of people turning blind due to masturbation spread like wildfire!

However, you need not worry as it’s a baseless myth. You are certainly not going blind due to masturbation!
Moreover, this myth doesn’t stop at being blind! It’s falsely believed that you can get hair on your palms, tuberculosis, can get insane, or even die as a result of some moments of charam sukh!
We are here to tell you all these claims are absolutely false and should not, in any way stop you from doing what you love! Enjoy your me-time without any fear as the only bad thing this can do is stop you from experience pure pleasure!
6) You shouldn’t masturbate when pregnant
Well, being pregnant is a miracle in itself which demands a lot from the lady. Amongst the morning sickness, vomits, back pains, and the never-ending load of the baby, falsely denying the pleasure of masturbation is the last thing you would want to do to her!

My dear pregnant women, you can enjoy your little moments of pleasure without any more pressure! Sex is completely safe during pregnancy. Masturbation is self-sex which means it isn’t a problem!
The big caveat here is for women with certain health conditions, like placenta previa (a condition where the placenta covers the cervix). Furthermore, women at the risk of preterm labor should also avoid masturbating.
In Conclusion
Let’s end by stating the obvious, most people masturbate! Some might be open about it while some prefer to keep it private. In either case, such myths only hamper the act which may result in fear, frustration, and anxiety. Their strong desire to masturbate is often countered by such myths which stop them resulting in frustration and anger.

As a new generation, we must talk about sex and its related topic with utmost transparency and honesty. It’s only then that people will be aware of the underlying myths and malpractices.
Masturbation should no longer be viewed as a taboo or a secretive activity. It’s as common as walking and brushing! It’s the need of the body which has to be addressed without shame or guilt.
Masturbation, together with other sexual activities should be talked about without hesitating. Consult a sexologist or a gynecologist if facing any problems.
Don’t shy from what’s natural.