Lime Water for a Healthy Life!
All nutritionists and dieticians talk about consuming lime water. So in this article, we will see exactly why do they stress it. Apart from the much talked about the benefit of weight loss, lime water has several other underlying advantages which are lesser-known to us. Continue to read the in-depth explanation of all this simple drink has to offer. Let’s begin your fitness journey with this baby step!
Lime Water Benefits
Water itself makes more than 60 percent of your body. The importance of this drink is quite under-rated. Most people are often dehydrated. It results in several underlying problems like dull skill, indigestion, and even kidney problems. Water, as we all know has several vitamins and minerals and flushes toxins out of your body.

In addition, it’s recommended to drink at least 2.5-3 liters of water as a minimum amount. Students, housewives, and office workers are often unable to fulfill this demand due to sedentary lifestyles. Some do not even like the taste of water! Well, we have the solution to it all! Limes are also a good source of potassium vitamins A, B, C, and D, Calcium, Magnesium and are filled with antioxidants!
Adding lime to our water will not only increase its nutritional value but also provide you a punch of refreshment. Moreover, flavored water is quite trending and for all the right reasons! Be it a cocktail, mocktail, or simple Ghar ka nimbu paani! Here are all the reasons for you to start drinking this refreshing drink ASAP!
1) Lime water to make your skin glow!
Why waste money on artificial products when you can get bright and glowing skin Ghar baithe baithe?! Lime water does this trick. Drinking it helps rejuvenate dull skin. And here’s how1

So limes contain vitamin C and flavonoids. In simpler terms, flavinoids are the antioxidants that strengthen collagen. Collagen is the key to youthful, smooth skin. Thus incorporating this drink into your daily hydration schedule will certainly do wonders for your skin!
CAUTION! Do not put lime juice directly on your skin. Sun exposure after application can result in phytophotodermatitis, or a painful lime burn (we definitely don’t want that to happen, right?!)
2) Let the lime clean your gut!
Lime water is a great drink for all the right reasons! it adds a punch of freshness and refreshes the mind, body, and soul…and the GUT! Yes, you read right! Imagine having a glass of regular water. Now imagine having a glass of lime water! We bet lime water was tasty and fresh! moreover, it not only adds manifolds to the taste but also kick-starts digestion!

The mere smell of this citrus veggie is enough to water your mouth! The saliva comes gushing and the acidity of the lime does the rest! While the saliva breaks the macromolecules of food, the lime juice stimulates the digestive system and increases the secretion of digestive juices, bile, and acids.
So start your day by drinking a glass of lime water and cleaning your gut! A glass of this drink after each meal works wonders! Try and let us know if it worked for you!
3) Improves your immunity
Lime water is known for its immunity-boosting qualities. Citrus fruits, in general, have fever-reducing qualities because vitamin C found in high concentrations in them, which naturally lowers the temperature of the body.

Lime water is a synonym for vitamin C if we can say so! Not only fevers, lime water has proven to be beneficial for the general health of our body due to its healing and fighting properties. It has been known to help protect eyes from aging and macular degeneration. On top of that, flavonoids help protect them from infections.
Furthermore, limes have antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, antibiotic, and detoxifying properties that stimulate the healing process for infections and even cancers! So a glass of lime water a day will surely keep the bimaari away!
4) Limit your weight with lime!
This drink is often associated with weight loss for all the right reasons. We would definitely recommend drinking a glass of warm lime water every morning and here’s why.

We discussed earlier its efficiency in kick-starting your digestive system. It will get rid of all the gunk lying about in your gut and make it lighter! Furthermore, lime is a great source of citric acid. Citric acid helps increase metabolism, thus aiding in less storage of fats. This ultimately leads to weight loss in the long run.
However, only drinking this won’t help! Make sure you get at least 30 minutes of physical activity in a day. Sweat yourself and shed those extra pounds! Drinking lime water or sucking on a lime wedge after meals is certainly a good idea to fasten the weight loss process.
5) Keeps your heart healthy!
As discussed earlier, lime water is great for infections and protects our bodies against infection. Here’s adding a cherry to the cake- It helps reduce heart diseases and lowers blood sugar levels.

Limes are a good source of magnesium and potassium, both being good for heart health. Moreover, potassium lowers blood pressure and improves blood circulation, thus reducing the risk of a heart attack and stroke.
As for blood sugar levels, Vitamin C is here to save the day! Vitamine C is great for controlling diabetes. Further, limes have a low glycemic index, thus regulating the amount of sugar absorption in the bloodstream. Result? Fewer spikes and controlled blood sugar levels.
Apne Dil ki suno and start having lime water regularly!
Here’s the lime water recipe for all those who are new to this!

- Take a good, ripe lime and wash it to remove any dirt and bacteria from the surface.
- Press and roll the lime on your platform until soft to get the maximum juice out of it (Pro tip!)
- Cut the lime in half and de-seed it.
- Take your favorite glass and fill it with water. Add a tablespoon of honey if you like it.
- For a mug of water, half to one lime should work, depending on your taste.
- CAUTION! Lime tends to weaken the teeth by eroding the enamel. So make sure you gargle with plain water after drinking. Here’s how you can enjoy it without damaging your enamel
Summing up
Lime water has been around since forever now! Some of its health benefits have come to be known recently. It’s best for us to adapt to a new and healthy way of living by incorporating healthy habits into our everyday lives. Drinking a glass of lime water daily is one such habit which we would recommend you follow.

However, it may not suit everyone due to its acidic properties. It tends to cause acidity and teeth weakening if not consumed as advised. So consult a dietician to know what’s best for your body before you incorporate any new dietary changes.
Concludingly, it’s always a good day to start a healthy lifestyle! So what are you waiting for?!
If you like the article, share it with your friends and family. Educate them about the benefits of such healthy habits! In the comment section, do let us know what changes you observed after drinking lime water daily! Remember, YOU are responsible for your body. Eat healthily and drink healthy!
Till then, stay healthy and keep drinking lime water regularly!