The Laws Of Karma One Should Know
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन। मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥

We all must have heard this shloka from The Shreemadbhagwat Geeta (the holy scripture for Hinduism). This is a part of the epic Mahabharata.
In this shlok, Krishna, the avatar of Lord Vishnu is teaching Arjuna about Karma.
The meaning of the shlok is, one should keep performing his duties without expecting any reward in return. Therefore, a person should perform karma without thinking of its returns or rewards. The fruits should not be the purpose of one’s action or karma.
The significance of karma is given in all the religious and holy scriptures. Be it the Bible, (So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.) the Quran ( in Islam karma is known as Kifarah) the Guru Granth Sahib ( The body is the field of karma in this age; whatever you plant, you shall harvest; Guru Arjan) etc. Regardless of what belief you follow(or don’t) your karma (actions) follow you everywhere.
Karma – the Boomerang

Karma refers to the action. It is described as whatever actions we do no matter good or bad comes back to us.
Karma is believed to determine one’s next life based on the ethical net of current life.
The 12 laws of karma play a very major role in everyone’s life.
Let’s know more about them!!
Laws of Karma
There are 12 Laws of Karma. These karmic laws define the path to a beautiful life and success.
Now let’s know more about these life-changing laws.
The Great Law
Also known as The Law of Cause and Effect.
According to this law, whatever energy thoughts and actions we give out or put into the universe, we get back be it positive or negative.
This law perfectly symbolises a famous verse from Bible, As you sow, so shall you reap.
The Law of Creation
Magic is a myth, things don’t happen magically. Anyone willing to have success should have to actively work hard on it.
According to this law, if you want a change in your life, along with positive thoughts and good deed, one has to work hard on it.
As the quote says, Life truly becomes exactly what you make it.
The Law of Humility
This law focuses on Acceptance. For moving forward in life or to get success in life one should accept the present scenario.No matter the present is good or bad, no matter how things are after one accepts it, he/she has that power to change the scenario.
Accepting yourself or the situation leads to self-love and success respectively.
As the quote says, Live a life full of humility, gratitude, intellectual curiosity, and never stop learning.
So live, love and learn, now makes sense.
The law of Growth
Well, we all know it’s never too late to learn and grow. This law is all about expansion and growth within oneself.
This law focuses on self-development. This could be possible through reading books, meditation and spiritual development.
Cause what’s inside, eventual could be seen outside. Inner beauty is important.
The Law of Responsibility
We all must have heard lectures about being responsible from our elders. Wellbeing responsible is another part of the karmic cycle. One has to take ownership of the deed or actions we do, be it good or bad. Blame games result in a downfall, as when one takes responsibility for his or her actions, he or she will correct them eventually which will lead to success. Responsibility also results in a better emotional state.
The Law of Connection

Everything and everyone is connected be it the events or people around. Every event and person has its unique significance.
We all must have read about the food chains and food web, which shows how all the animals are interdependent. In the same way, people are related to each other, each person or event that happens eventually teaches a person something or the other.
In simple words, the universe and energies are interconnected
The Law of Focus
Focus again is a very important word in itself. Our mind is a wave of thoughts, the thoughts keep flowing in it. Many good and bad thoughts keep striking our mind.
The law of focus emphasizes to focus on spiritual and positive thoughts, cause what we focus on or what we think is what we manifest.
So if you focus on the positives, it’s always what you see, even when things ain’t favourable. So be positive.
The Law of Giving and Hospitality
The basic law of karma is whatever you give out you receive it. It focuses on selflessness.
And teaches people to be more focused on giving than taking. Hospitality here refers to the warmth you give to the people or living beings you meet be it human or animals.
How a person treats a person, be it a beggar or the CEO of a multinational company. Everything is counted.
And as the famous quote says, No one has ever become poor by giving.
The Law of Here and Now
Well being in the present is indeed the best thing a person can do, as the past could not be changed and the future is unseen.
When we live in the present we know what we are doing, we know the rights and wrongs, we enjoy every moment and also take responsibility for the deeds.
As NOW – The most precious thing.
The Law of Change
Change is a necessary phenomenon, but things and situations only change when the person changes his/her way of doing the job or task. Until then the scenario keeps repeating or history keeps repeating.
The Law of Patience and Reward
The famous Indian saying, Sabr ka phal meetha hota hai, is indeed true.
When a person is consistent and works hard he or she is indeed rewarded. No matter how hardworking a person is if he/she is not consistent, he/she won’t benefit.
As good things take time
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The law of significance and inspiration
Everyone is Important and Irreplaceable. As you might have read earlier, the universe is interconnected, therefore no matter how little a person’s contribution is it is important. And no one else on the earth can do that very work.
So value your talents and unique gifts, cause you are god’s favourite.
Now you all see, how these 12 karmic laws affect our lives.
I would like to end this with a famous Doha of Saint Kabir Das;
कर्म करे किस्मत बने,जीवन का ये मर्म
प्राणी तेरे हाथ में,तेरा अपना कर्म
This means all our karmas and deeds will eventually make our lives. And all the karmas are in our hands, either we do good or bad to ourselves it depends on us.
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