Traits You Didn’t Know You Inherit
You must know that you inherit a lot of traits from your parents. Traits are something about you that makes you “you.” When your mother says that you get all your best traits from her, she means you have the same charming smile and the same brilliant mind as she has. In science, traits refers to a characteristic that is caused by genetics. Weather it be your hair colour, hair texture, eye colour, height, eating habits or some serious issues like Hypertension , Blood sugar levels, migranes or even aggression. But in this article lets dive deep into the interesting traits that you didn’t know you inherited!

Did your boyfriend or girlfriend ever cheat on you? If yes, then in some cases it might be their genes who made them cheat! It might be one of the traits they inherited
You must’ve heard the theory that men cheat because they have a biological urge to “spread their seed”. This might be true in some cases as males have a “playboy gene”. ( yes, we’re not making this up, it is very real ) It is a variant on the thrill-seeking DRD4 gene. Similarly in females, a mutation on women’s vasopressin receptor gene, which can affect trust, empathy and bonding.
All this being said, the presence of these genes in either sex doesn’t guarantee that someone can be unreliable and surely it isn’t an excuse for immortality.
So yeah your ex was just a swindler and this is a sign from the universe to DUMP YOUR CHEATING PARTNER!
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Caffeine idée fixe

Do you love the aroma of freshly grounded coffee beans? Do you love going to a fancy café ordering those picture-perfect lattes to post on your Instagram? If yes, then you might be flabbergasted to know that this infatuation and of yours might be inherited.
Believe it or not, a love of coffee – or more accurately, the way that your body metabolizes caffeine – can be passed down the genetic pipeline. In a study published in the journal Scientific Reports, researchers compared coffee drinkers in Italy and the Netherlands and found that those with a greater expression of the PDSS2 gene drank less coffee. They theorize that those people metabolize caffeine slower and therefore need less of it to feel happy and awake. As for the others? They’re more likely to spend a fortune on big mugs of this rich delicacy.
Also Read – Ways a Cup of Coffee Affects You, The Good and The Bad
Bad Driving Traits

Does your dad give you a hard time when you just can’t seem to keep your eyes on the road or when you bump into other cars when attempting to parallel park? If yes, then there might be two reasons for it. Number 1, you’re just a shitty driver who needs some practice. Number 2, it’s in your genes!
Yes! Scientists have confirmed that not everyone has the innate ability to drive. You can learn all the traffic rules, you can pass your drivers test, but if you have special genes that affect your ability to orientate yourself, the speed of your reactions, or your memory, then getting behind the wheel may still turn out to be a bad idea.
With these special genes, you’re more likely to get distracted while driving . Hence at a greater risk of being in an accident. Scientists believe that these genes are in as much as 30% of the world’s population. So the next time your dad is giving you a hard time just blame it on the genes!

“Omg! Do you have any idea how Jessica got so popular?” Well, the secret of a person’s popularity is concealed in their genes. Can’t seem to wrap your head around it? Well, Harvard’s scientists reached this conclusion after year’s of thorough research.
It goes back to the dawn of humankind existence. Those who possessed valuable information about food sources or sources of danger were at the center of a given social group’s attention. These ancestors passed on these genes to their descendants. The people who are popular among their peers and who people often want to be friends with are the ones who inherited these genes . How did this come to pass? Perhaps future research will make this clearer.
So now you know, Jessica just got lucky with her genes!
Characteristic Facial Expressions

“You have your dad’s smile”, ” Your mum and you share the same serious look “. If you have heard these kinds of assertions from your relatives, then according to science these traits are shockingly inherited.
In Scientific American reports, a study of 51 individuals of 21 blind subjects and 30 of their sighted relatives revealed that they shared significantly similar facial expressions. This even held for relatives who were separated at birth and hadn’t met until years later.
Exercising Traits

Do you love the sweaty workout sesh with your favourite music blasting in the background? OR Just despise the feeling of gross sweat dripping down your face? If you feel the latter then you should know some genes might be playing a much important role than you anticipated.
Exercising releases a chemical named ‘dopamine’. This is the feel-good neurotransmitter which plays an important role in executive functions, motor control, motivation, reinforcement and reward.
Researchers at the University of Georgia theorize that the production of this chemical can be hindered by a gene which when combined with an individual’s personality can affect the person’s natural urge to be active. But even if you don’t have the inherited genes that predispose you to like working out, you can still develop a love for exercise even if you are genetically more inclined to be a couch potato.
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Sweaty Hands Oddity
Are you insecure about holding hands with your crush on a first date with a fear that your sweaty hands might embarrass you? Well, it might just not be your nerves. If it’s excessive, it’s more likely your DNA. The sympathetic nerves, which control your body’s flight or fight response, contracts the blood vessels in your hands resulting in your hands sweating ( possibly your feet too! ).
According to researchers at UCLA, two-thirds of patients who suffer from hyperhidrosis, aka “sweaty palms syndrome,” have a family history of it. However, a person only has a 28 per cent chance of inheriting this trait if one of their parents has the disorder, indicating that some other genes may also need to be present.
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Intelligence Traits

Weather you are a professional procrastinator OR a prolific student, chances are your ability to excel in academics is genetically inherited
The study, led by the University of York, found that parents socioeconomic status and children’s inherited DNA differences . They are powerful predictors of educational achievement. 55% of academic success depends on your genetic inheritance. Thousands of genes are directly responsible for how well you perform academically. So if you come from a family of intellects, chances are you might be an intellect yourself.
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