Things To Remember While Dealing With PCOS
PCOS/ PCOD is one of the most common reproductive endocrinological disorder affecting about 6-8% of women reproductive years. One out of 10 women in India is suffering from PCOS.
There are these sets of criteria for the identification of PCOS- the National Institute of Health Criteria (1992), Rotterdam Criteria (2003) and Androgen Excess Society Criteria (2006). All are based on 3 basic subsets i.e., chronic Oiligo/anovulation, clinical or biochemical hyperandrogenism or polycystic ovarian morphology on transvaginal ultrasound. Some scientist have also called this a genetic disorder. The argument made that, this gene was present in bodies of our grandmothers and mothers. But, it was present in a very repressed state. And now due to change in the lifestyle, food habits, it turns into its active state.
Cause and Symptoms

PCOS cannot be diagnosed until the patients counters an trouble with cosmetic issues like Hirsutism, Androgenic body hair, obesity, infertility, irregular periods and many more.
This disease is highly prevalent in middle- and high-class strata as compared to lower class strata. This is more because of –
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Stress
- Wrong Diet
- Lack of proper sleep
Due to this disease, 50% women are at higher risk of Type 2 Diabetes. And it causes several other problems also like Depression, Anxiety, Disturbed sleep, infertility, endometrium cancer etc.
As of know, there is no permanent cure of this syndrome, but we can still control it by focusing on some basic factors.
What is the Philosophy of diet for PCOS patients? What are food items that are to be avoided and what to consume? Where should you buy? should our diet be carbs free or protein rich?
Diet plays a major role in controlling and reversing PCOS. It works like a medicine if taken properly and in a right manner. Everything is linked within our body and whatever we intake affects our body. As poor diet is one of the most common reason of PCOS, one should be carefully of what they are eating. Our grandmothers and mothers used to eat a healthy, simple food and do their daily chores and lived long. They never had any PCOS nor the lower strata population. This shows how to keep ourselves healthy by eating pure, simple, fresh diet.

- We should consume organic products, prefer plant-based diet over animal-based diet. Eat green leafy vegetables and seasonal fruits.
- Intermittent fasting is good as it is practiced since ages.
- Buy fruits and vegetables from the local vendors rather than super markets.
- Include nuts and seeds in your diet. Try to eat your last meal before sunset only.
- Apart, from this you can also control PCOS by avoiding some unhealthy items like Nutrient- less products such as Alcohol, cigarettes etc. should be completely avoided.
- Dairy products should be avoided.
- Products with consist of high Glycemic index like pastries, white bread, cakes and many more should be controlled.
- Processed, packaged and preserved food should be completely avoided. It includes all the ready-made foods and biscuits etc.
- Do not eat in guilt. Avoid watching television or phones while eating. It let you eat more than required and you feel over eaten. One should understand the difference between hunger and cravings. Eat when you are hungry and not when you are bored.
Understand what your body is demanding and then give the right amount to it.
Also check: PCOS and Healthy Living
Exercise is must for everyone. Diet and Exercise goes hand-in hand.

Why should you exercise?
Our Body is designed to be moving. Earlier, people used to walk a lot in search of food or work and do daily chores and eat simple and healthy. They used to remain fit without any serious disease and lived longer.
But now the lifestyle of mainly metropolitan cities have became sedentary which has caused multiple of disease like- cholesterol, obesity, arthritis, PCOS and many more.
Exercising daily strengthen our body and muscles, ensure proper circulation of blood, keeps our mind and body fresh and active, glowing skin, releases happy hormones i.e. Dopamine and Serotonin in the body, decreases stress hormone or Cortisol. Exercise also helps in balancing the insulin level in the body.
What exercise should PCOS patients do and for how long?
Any exercise which consists of mix of cardio and body strengthening is good for our body. It includes walking, running, jumping etc. depending upon the body strength and stamina. At least, 30 min exercise is a must for everybody.
But one should also keep in mind not to overdo it as it can lead to injury. Remember being physically active will help in reversing PCOS.

Yoga makes our mind and body strong. Yoga is a new lifestyle. It helps in attaining the right attitude towards life. There are 5 points in Yoga-
- Right Diet
- Right Exercise
- Proper breathing
- Healthy relaxation
- Positive attitude
There are various asanas in Yoga like Surya Namaskar, Setu Bandh asana etc.
Yoga or Meditation helps us to remain calm and peaceful. It also helps to remain hopeful in life.
Studies shows that women working late at nights or travelling at irregular intervals. Students studying late at nights are tend stress and disturbed sleep cycle.
What is connection between sleep and PCOS?
Pineal Gland is a very tiny part in human brain. It secretes Melatonin required for ovarian functions. It helps in maturation of follicles in the ovaries. And this hormone gets suppressed in artificial lights which is why women working late in night are tend to more PCOS.
Lack of sleep also causes various diseases like- eating disorder, abnormal cravings, pre- diabetics, increase male hormones, obesity, high blood pressure and many more.
Sometimes for complicated problems, there are simpler solutions. A good night sleep can reverse the PCOS as well as makes you happy and fit from other diseases.

Scientists have found that people with PCOS are inclined towards Anxiety and Depression. And the reason is very much clear. It is because of the cosmetic issues that women are tend to face like cystic acne, facial and body hair, obesity, thinning of scalp hair etc. which decreases in self-confidence as per the set beauty standards. There are other factors also that acts as a catalyst, mentioned above.
Exercise, Meditation, Good healthy diet are some ways by to reverse PCOS. It is the new Gynecological epidemic which needs to proper attention.
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