
Reasons Why We Lose Friends As We Grow Older

Friendships are one of the most important parts of our lives. Our friends are a big source of our happiness. As compared to romantic relationships, we do believe that all our friendships are forever but those are the hopes of a naive kid who doesn’t want to leave his/her friends. Friendships are indeed stronger than most romantic relationships but they are more fragile too. Like a house in a glass dome, once broken, it will never be the same. Similarly, There are many reasons why we lose friends as we grow older. Cherish what you have while you have it for you might lose it the very next moment.

As we grow older, we tend to mature emotionally. Our perspectives about everything around us change. We become a whole new person as we grow and so do our friends. And sometimes, instead of maturing in the same direction, you all mature in a whole different one. Sometimes one of you matures and the other doesn’t. Sometimes there is a misunderstanding that a lack of communication makes it impossible to solve. Apart from this, as you get older, you and your friends have your own lives to work through and inevitably you don’t have time for each other.

School And College Are Over

When is the school you make the very first friends of your life and some of you make a lot of them? But you go to college and lose touch with your school friends no matter how much technology has evolved. You are too busy with college-related work and internships and it’s okay. You make new forever friends in college but then you get selected from each other because of different jobs and line of work. It’s okay. You have your own life to focus on and your friends have their lives to focus on. This decline will continue on till the end of your life.

Relationships Become A Part Of Life

When your friends’ couple up or you end up in a relationship, suddenly the amount of time you spend together goes down considerably. It’s believed once people get in relationships they will pay more attention to their partner and try to develop that part of their life more and inevitably get distant from their friends with whom they were once close.

Maturity Gets In The Way

As you grow up, how you think and what you deem important in your life will change. As your priorities change, you might want to distance yourself from some people and the same goes for your friends. They might prefer activities you hate and the same goes for them. Eventually, you’ll get distant from people you were once close with.

Reasons why we lose friends as we grow older

You Kick Out Toxicity From Your Life

The more you grow up, the more you want peace in your life and the less willing you are to accept those who aren’t putting in as much effort as you. You work towards getting rid of these one-sided relationships and work towards a peaceful and happier life. This leads to you cutting people out of your life and you end up with messed friends. More peace and less toxicity.

Even though this loss is painful at first but it’s important for your development. You might see people around you still close with each other but the truth is, life gets in the way. Sooner or later, we all experience the same loss of friends and learn to accept and live with it. You learn to enjoy time with yourself. To feel content in your own company. Use this to work on yourself.

ALSO READ: Things You Should Learn For Your Friendships To Last Longer



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