
Harsh Truths You Learn After You Get Your Heart Broken

In a perfect world, there would be no breakups. Everyone would live happily ever after. Yet in the real world, some are blinded in relationships because of nothing but love. But not all relationships end happily. Most end in breakups. A lot of people end up confused after a breakup, blaming themselves for not seeing clearly or the other person for not loving them enough. Today let’s talk about the harsh truths you learn after you get your heart broken.


The more time passes by since your break up, the more you realise it was never about you and your partner. Initially, you believe your breakup has everything to do with you and your pain. A break up gives you the time and space to evolve. It makes you stronger. When in a relationship you are dependent on the other person one way or the other. Their thoughts and beliefs impact you somehow. When you break up with them, you lose that and it gives you an opportunity to unapologetically be yourself because sometimes you lose yourself in a relationship.

Harsh truths you learn after you get your heart broken


Everything happens for a reason. Terrible thing to say to someone who went through a traumatic even in their lives but it’s true nonetheless. You don’t break up for no reason at all. It’s either one big thing or several small incidents piling up together leading to a blowout. It’s reasonable to miss someone you were with after a breakup. Sensible if you want to go back to them. But it’s not okay to act upon those thoughts. You are separated from them because something happened. Something unacceptable. Should you understand why they did what they did? Yes. That will bring you closure. But just because you understand them doesn’t mean you need to accept it. What happened once will happen again. It’s about how much you are willing to tolerate. Be careful what you wish for.

ALSO READ: The Very Real Pain Of Breakups


A lot of us love the idea of love. We watch people in love on screen and dearly hope we could have that. But what we see is the surface and when in a relationship you realise the truth and work it takes. It’s emotionally taxing, only if you are in a toxic relationship though. Sounds very easy to say. Reality is, most of us won’t realise when we are alone in our love story. Majorly it happens when you don’t love yourself or you choose to settle for the first person you see just because you desperately want to be in love. When you break up with someone, that’s when you see the truth. Whether it was love or was it an illusion you unknowingly created for yourself. Be careful of what happens around you.

In all honesty, these are the three biggest things you’ll learn from your breakups. The true meaning of loving yourself and someone else, accepting the reality of life and how personal growth is more important than the pain of a breakup.

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