
Things I Learned From My Failures – 5 Important Life Lessons

In this article, I am gonna talk about the Things I Learned From My Failures. One of the biggest mistakes that we commit is, taking Failures in a negative tone. But in reality, Failures are the best teacher in life. It’s just a matter of we perceive things. 

Yes, I understand failing hurts badly but that’s how life teaches you lessons. If you will look at the life of any super successful person in this world, you will notice one common thing among all of them – they all failed miserably at some point in their lives. But instead of quitting & cursing they embraced it and the rest is history. 

People really need to understand the importance of failures and how to get over them? And I really blame our education system & parents for not teaching kids – the art of getting over.

I’m currently a 22-year-old engineering student, and life has been quite a teacher for me. I received backlogs, lost few friends, gone through a bad and traumatic relationship, took a few bad decisions. But, guess what these things only helped me grew a lot as a person. Now, when I look back – I realize I owe it to my failures.

“Success is not a good teacher, failure makes you humble.”

Shah Rukh Khan

Things I Learned From My Failures

Here, is a list of things I learned from my failures – 5 important lessons in life.

1. It’s not the end of the road.

You might have been feeling that its the end, there is no getting back because you failed in your exams, had a break-up, lost your money because you invested in a wrong asset, it can be anything. 

But trust me it’s not, It’s not the end of the road and there is always a way out. You just have to figure out what is going to work for you – it doesn’t matter if it means going on a solo vacation or removing some toxic people from your life. Just do it, figure your way out because you owe it to yourself.

2. Importance of trying new things.

The fear of failure is the factor that stops us from learning new things because sometimes it requires getting out of our comfort zone. It is a habit that will help you grow as a person, also learning a new skill will open doors to new opportunities in your life. 

After my traumatic break-up, I picked up reading as a habit which triggered my immense love for writing. Now, books are an integral part in my life. It made me stronger, wiser, mature, and very choosy about the sort of people I want to have in my life. I discovered a new and totally new version of myself. And the best part is – I met Khushi, love of my life (P.S. Read – I too had a love story).

The point that I am trying to make here is – you must try and learn new things/skills in life. So, go and learn to play guitar, creating animations, drawing beautiful sketches, or whatever you always wanted to do. Who knows you might discover a hidden version of yourself.

3. Experience, my buowy

One of the greatest things that failures gave me is the experience –  The immense priceless experience. When you fail in a certain thing, let’s say an exam after that you know, where your preparation went bad or what went wrong. You become experienced if taken positively and you can attempt and prepare with double intensity the next time. 

You become crystal clear about – what not to do in life, about your goals, about your strengths & weaknesses, etc.. All that because you failed and learned from it. 

Now, I can give the best relationship advice to anyone in his/her life. If you know what I mean. 

4. Humans are deceptive

There are two types of people everyone has in his/her life – 1) are those who care for us and 2) are those who really care for us. There is a huge difference between these two, and failure helps us distinguish between them. 

You are going to face all sorts of failures in every aspect of life which is natural and happens to everyone and this is the point where you will learn the most important lesson of your life i.e. Humans are deceptive. You will learn who really cares and supports you. 

Selfish people are going to leave you at this phase of your life, and initially, you will feel devasted. But as you will get older and wiser you will realize you are better without them, and they don’t deserve you. 

5. Never Give Up

The last but not the least, the most important lesson in life is to Never Give Up. No matter what life throws at you, take every defeat and every failure as a lesson. 

Learn what went wrong? and then train yourself accordingly. The only factor that distinguishes between a winner and a loser is only the fact that a winner Never Give Up.

Also Read: Psychological Reasons About Why We Take Things Personally

The Bottom Line

I have failed multiple times, while I might not be as famous as your favorite celebrity. If you will closely study the life of any super successful person, they all have failed miserably in their lives. It just a matter of perception, winners see failure as an opportunity and losers see failure as the end. Decide where you belong.

I hope this article of mine on Things I Learned From My Failures was of some help to you. Let me know through the comment box below. Stay Happy and Motivated!!

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