
List Of The 100 Most Commonly Confused Homophones

What are homophones? Homo means ‘same’ and phone stands for ‘sound’ in Greek. Thus, two words which have different meaning and spelling but have the same pronunciation are homophones. Now you may think, why you should know about homophones? As we know, it’s normal to make mistakes while writing English. And for the same, we have various grammar correction tools or apps. But what if those tools are not detecting the homophone you used instead of the right word in your piece! There is no surprise in it because that’s what happens. And, unfortunately, there is no app or tool which can detect the homophone used incorrectly.

list of the 100 most commonly confused homophones
Even confusing homophones can be fun sometimes.

So be it you’re writing or you are reading, a homophone used incorrectly can cause a disaster. And because it’s not possible to go through all existing 7000+ homophones altogether. That’s why we have curated a list of the 100 most commonly confused homophones which will definitely have your back. 

But how to memorize the difference between the two still is a question. Such as moose and mousse both will sound the same to you, but ‘moose’ is a member of the deer family, and ‘mousse‘ is a dessert. Trust me a bit of imagination can work fine in this case. So, first, know the meaning of both the words and second, picture to make a difference between both. And hence using the same method you can easily go through the 100 most commonly confused homophones provided here in the list below. 

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The 100 most commonly confused homophones:

Few words with which we are very well familiar, are easy to distinguish from their homophones such as, then and then, your and you’re, one and won, and so on. Similarly, fair means just and fare stands for a fee would have confused you many times. In the same way, capital means funds and capital means government building. Let’s see more below:

  1. Affect/Effect
  2. Advice/Advise
  3. Then/Than
  4. Here/Hear
  5. Accept/Except
  6. Whether/Weather
  7. You’re/Your
  8. Bear/Bare
  9. One/Won
  10. Compliment/Complement
  11. Aloud/Allowed
  12. Lie/Lay
  13. Its/It’s
  14. Principal/Principle
  15. Brake/Break
  16. Lose/Loose
  17. Week/Weak
  18. Pray/Prey
  19. Their/There/They’re
  20. Sole/Soul
  21. Altar/Alter
  22. Cite/Site/Sight
  23. Flower/Flour
  24. Cereal/Serial
  25. Meat/Meet
  26. See/Sea
  27. Knight/Night
  28. Know/No
  29. To/Two/Too
  30. Hair/Hare
  31. Whose/Who’s
  32. Hole/Whole
  33. Desert/Dessert
  34. Knot/Not
  35. Waste/Waist
  36. Plane/Plain
  37. Tide/Tied
  38. Way/Weigh
  39. Capital/Capitol
  40. Steal/Steel
  41. Addition/Edition
  42. Mail/Male
  43. Ant/Aunt
  44. Wring/Ring
  45. In/Inn
  46. Pair/Pear
  47. Buy/By/Bye
  48. Bored/Board
  49. Coarse/Course
  50. Peace/Piece
  51. Knead/Need
  52. Role/Roll
  53. None/Nun
  54. Scene/Seen
  55. Stair/Stare
  56. Tail/Tale
  57. Fair/Fare
  58. Led/Lead
  59. Maid/Made
  60. Throw/Through
  61. Sent/Scent/Cent
  62. Beat/Beet
  63. Aisle/isle/I’ll
  64. Berth/Birth
  65. Choral/Coral
  66. Dual/Duel
  67. Idle/Idol
  68. Knew/New
  69. Leak/Leek
  70. Cast/Caste
  71. Cell/Sell
  72. Beat/Beet
  73. Cellar/Seller
  74. Ball/Bawl
  75. Ad/Add
  76. Billed/Build
  77. Pain/Pane
  78. Heal/Heel
  79. Die/Dye
  80. Hall/Haul
  81. Tea/Tee
  82. Doe/Dough
  83. Quite/Quiet
  84. Heard/Herd
  85. Dyeing/Dying
  86. Hall/Haul
  87. Council/Counsel
  88. Waive/Wave
  89. Current/Currant
  90. Martial/Marshal
  91. Moose/Mousse
  92. Descent/Dissent
  93. Throne/Thrown
  94. Fir/Fur
  95. Cash/Cache
  96. Berry/Bury 
  97. Base/Bass
  98. Censor/Sensor
  99. Merry/Marry
  100. Real/Reel
Which homophone do you get confused with most of the time?

After discovering most of the homophones, I realized that these words are quite interesting instead of confusing. Though, now I use them as much as I can in my writing. I still find myself making silly mistakes. There are times when I get confused with merry and marry. Similarly, Whether and weather make me look like a fool. I understand going through this list might feel like going back in time but isn’t it what we all want sometimes.

I’m sure if you have gone through the 100 most commonly confused homophones listed above. You’d have found the homophones you get confused with most of the time. If so, then don’t mind sharing those silly mistakes you have made. And if not then also you can share some interesting homophones you know. I hope these 100 homophones enlisted above would help you to avoid that embarrassment, which you might have been facing while misplacing some of these words.

Happy Reading!

9 thoughts on “List Of The 100 Most Commonly Confused Homophones

  • Ankush kumar

    I learn new thing today.

    • sheetal tanwar

      Thanks, Buddy!

  • Bharat Rajput

    Great work

    • sheetal tanwar

      Thanks, Bro!

  • Anjali sharma

    Interesting !!!😊 Keep it up.

    • sheetal tanwar

      Thanks, buddy!

  • Sahil Mahajan

    Nice work

    I can add Homophone Weak/Week.

    • sheetal tanwar

      Thanks for Sharing!

  • Yogesh yadav

    I look to learn Something from it.

    Well done.


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