Fun facts about Nutella
Nutella Facts: Something about the matter of your interest and definitely impossible to dislike.

Nutella: A jar of delicious happiness, that captures heart and minds of many people (by many people I meant the entire universe).
Nutella is like a great gift that goes with literally everything: call it as waffles, ice-cream, cookies, pancakes and infact with chappatis too.
Forget it a raw spoon of nutella will take you over the moon.
Nutella is that friend who will never cancel on your plans.
Awesome facts about Nutella
Here are some nutty facts to make your day sweeter:
1. During the world war II chocolate was expensive and there was shortage of supply. The genius guy Pietro Ferrero(the same man behind Ferrero Rocher and Tic Tacs) experimented hazelnuts with chocolate hence our love came into the world.
2. Nutella was initially produced in solid block form one can slice it and eat with toast. Later on it came into spread form.
3. Surprising Nutella fact is Nutella is made up of 70% hazelnuts, 30% chocolates and with 100% love.
4. There are 53 hazelnuts in every jar and it contains 100 calories per spoon. On the bright side it has 20 grams of protein per jar.
5. Under Italian law you can not call Nutella as “chocolate cream” because it doesn’t contain minimum requirement of Cocoa content.
6. One of the amazing Nutella facts is one jar of Nutella is sold every 2.5 seconds. (PS: You shouldn’t refrigerate Nutella, as the hazelnuts become hard and it becomes difficult to spread.)
7. You could cover the great wall of China 8 times with the number of jars sold in one year. Also the amount of Nutella produced every year weighs as much as the empire state building.
8. American Nutella and European Nutella are different in taste. (The secret ingredient of Nutella is vegetable oil).
9. The chocolate layer that surrounds the hazelnut in the middle of each Ferrero Rocher is Nutella.
10. An American Italian blogger came up to show the love for Nutella in 2007, hence the world Nutella day is celebrated on 5th February every year.
Giving our social media babe more fame (#nutella has 6M posts on Instagram).
Nutella calling, be right back.