School Rooms and Their Rules: an Ode to Them All!
Do you remember the treasured school days? Everyone told us that those were going to be the best days of our life, and we’re going to miss them terribly. And what did we do? Laugh at them while fiercely denying it. Guess who’s not laughing now. In this troubled time, we cannot help but reminisce about the good old days of school classrooms. Here’s our list of all the schoolrooms that hold a treasure trove of memories, and this is an ode to them!
School Washroom:
We all have so many vivid memories associated with this one. Starting right from primary school where it used to be so terrorizing to even ask for permission, down to high-school where they became our hangout and gossip session spot. Anytime you went to the washroom, there had to be a bunch of kids either bunking their class in there or having (what seemed at the time) the most important life talks. And how can we forget all that gossip we got from the washroom walls!

If you were sent to the staff room, you were literally THE CHOSEN ONE! It felt like such an honour to be the kid who could walk into that room of the elites. Was it just my school or did every school teacher act differently in the staff room?

Computer room (read: AC room):
I learned betrayal from a very early age: when my computer teacher promised to take us to the computer room next class but conveniently forgot when the time came! The computer lab was hands down the most fun place at school, PLUS IT HAD THE AC! Playing those same 3 games every period and secretly logging into Facebook could never feel more fun.

Even though we all knew that no matter what the symptom was, the only medicines we were going to get were either crocin or Vicks balm yet we wanted to go to the medical room at the slightest inconvenience! And those lucky days when you were genuinely sick and were allowed to skip your math class and sleep in the medical room were heaven.

School Auditorium:
‘Hands behind your back and finger on your lips’ I can still hear this in my coordinator’s voice. Every event, competition, assembly, etc. was held in the auditorium. This one’s so close to all our hearts for it has carried all that excitement and exhilaration for all these years. We learned victory and failure, teamwork, how to run a one-man show. Divided by house colors but united by our thrill!
School Library:
We’ve been anything but quiet in this room. And you’ll always find the strictest of teachers here (I’m sorry we don’t make the rules). But that one day when you give up your angst and actually read a book was such bliss!
P.s: How many of you still have books that you haven’t returned to your school library?

School Canteen:
Yes, I saved the best for the end. If you think surviving through those cramped up canteen lines where you get pushed more than in a Mumbai local (and that’s saying something, trust me) was worth it… only to get that Rs.15 plate of oily puris and spicy chole, you’re ABSOLUTELY right! The days my mother agreed to not pack a ‘Dabba’ and let me eat canteen food instead were the best! (Or when I secretly fed my parathas to the dogs because it was Pav bhaji day in the canteen).
Little did we know that all of these different rooms would make their own not-so-little room in our hearts! Which of these do you have your best school memories associated with?
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