Cow Milk Or Buffalo Milk- Which Is The Best For You?

More than 10 different animals provide us with the nutrition powerhouse that is milk. Of these, cow milk and buffalo milk are the most popular ones. Often, we use either one of them without knowing which is suitable for us. To reap the maximum benefits, it is essential to use the milk which is in line with your nutrition requirements. Let us understand which combination of nutrients is the best to achieve the goal of balanced diet.
Cow Milk Or Buffalo Milk
Fat Content
Cow milk has 3-4% of fat content and hence it is lighter and less fattening. Buffalo milk has 7-8% and it is therefore creamier and thick. 1 cup of cow milk has 148 calories. On the other hand, a cup of buffalo milk has 237 calories, whoa! Keep in mind this calorie count while deciding your white energy drink.
Nutrition Content
Though both of them supply nutrition, buffalo milk has higher amounts of calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, and potassium. Cow milk is a good source of calcium and magnesium.

Preservation & Digestion
Buffalo milk can be preserved for a longer duration while cow milk should be consumed within 1-2 days. Interestingly, cow milk is more digestible than buffalo milk. Buffalo milk takes longer time to digest and hence keeps you full for a longer time.
Protein content
Buffalo milk has 10-11% more protein content than cow milk and hence it is not given to infants and elderly.
Health Benefits
Health benefits of choosing Buffalo milk as your nutrient package-
- Proved to keep your heart healthy and safe.
- It can prevent bone-related diseases like osteoporosis and arthritis.
- It maintains dental and cardiovascular health.
- With multiple antioxidants, it can do wonders for your skin.
Both milk and buffalo promote bone health
Health benefits of choosing cow milk as your nutrient package-
- It helps in bone development.
- Prevents Type 2 diabetes in adults.
- Also, does not contribute to weight gain due to its low calorie count.
- A very nice post-exercise drink to re-hydrate you.
Since you have read till the end, here’s a pro tip for you- use buffalo milk to make heavier items like ghee, paneer, or curd. They will turn out to be really tasty. Also, use cow milk to make sweets. Thank me later!
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