
Let Go Of These Things You Can’t Control To Experience Pure Bliss!

Letting go is difficult for all of us. However, it’s necessary to let go in order to move on in life. Moreover, holding on to things you can’t control only makes it harder. The key to happiness best to identify the things you can’t control and letting it go. We have made the job easier for you! Here’s a list of things you can’t control and should let go.

Let go of things you can’t control

Let go of things you can't control
Let go of things you can’t control

People often suffer from holding on to people, things, and feelings. We often forget that it’s in our power to let go. Things that you can control can be easier to let go than the things you can’t. For example, you can let go of the feeling of laziness by doing some exercise. However, there’s no point in worrying about things that happened in the past because we have no control over it!

1) Let go of the past

Truth is, the past can hurt, but it’s also whatever you make of it. You can choose to let go of those embarrassing memories. Or you can hold onto them forever. You may hold onto your favorite moments from the past, and let them fuel your passions in the future. 

let go of the past
Let go of the past

Take time to process the events of your past in an intelligent, cathartic fashion, but do not dwell simply to dwell. Remember, you cannot turn the page in a book until you stop reading that page! Letting go of the past is necessary to have a future. You cannot live in the past or get back the time you lost, but you can try not to lose more time.

2) Change

The sun will set on amazing memories. And you’ll wake up to a brand new day where anything could happen. Yes, it might sound intimidating, and you’re probably wondering what you can do to make change slow down. Truth is, you just have to learn to go with the flow! Look at these differences as opportunities to do something new and exciting with life.

change is a part of life
Change is a part of life

Holding on to time is not possible! And as we all know, those who can’t move on, generally miss out on a lot. So stop cribbing about the change and being resistant about it! Instead put on a happy face and do what needs to be done- find happiness in what you have!

3) People’s opinions and expectations

One of the most common things we can’t control is the opinions of people. We are under so much pressure, not only from society but also from our loved ones! And sometimes these expectations and opinions pull us back.

let go of other people's opinions
Source- The Tiny Buddha

It’s one thing to respect other people opinions but another to blindly act. You need to stand up for what’s right for you. Yes, it’s possible people won’t like it. But hey! You do not have to be liked by everyone to be happy! What you do need to do to be happy is be yourself! So take time out and let go of other people’s expectations!

4) Let go of the fear of Results

Has it ever happened we never start on a project just by thinking of its end result? It often happens that we tend to put in measured efforts. But your mehnat isn’t directly proportional to the results! It may happen that you have put in your all and still didn’t achieve your goal.

Always do oyur best
Always do your best!

But it’s okay! Our job is to put in efforts. No one can control the outcomes and so it’s best to let the thoughts of it go. Shri Krishna aptly says in Gita, “karm kiye jaa, fal ki chintaa mat kar!” So focus your energy on the effort and let go of the results! This will help you reach your goal. And even if you don’t, you’ll be satisfied as you gave it your all!

5) Your mistakes

Regret is a mixed bag! It’s not bad to look back at the bad decisions you made and think, “Yes, I am truly sorry I did that, and would never do it again.” That kind of regret helps us move on and become better people. But the kind that constantly draws you backward is unhelpful.

let go of your mistakes
Source- The Buddha Journey

Don’t let mistakes scare you from exploring! Let your penance for your mistakes take the form of positive action in the future, not endless sorrow and self-loathing. Furthermore, you can’t control your mistakes, let them go. But what you can control are your present actions. So make them count!

Lastly, put yourself first. You don’t have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders! Afterall, we are all humans! We make mistakes, and we have bad days. But more importantly, we let go and we move on in the hope for a better future! Here are some ways which might help you to let go . Learning to let go of what you can’t control is key.

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