Top F.R.I.E.N.D.S. facts which every super fan should know!
The show F.R.I.E.N.D.S is like rajma chawal. No matter how many times you have enjoyed it, you still relish it like the first time! We like to believe that we know everything about the show. But, there are some facts, which are bound to leave you surprised. Let me take you through some of these top F.R.I.E.N.D.S. facts that every superfan should know!

DISCLAIMER – If you still haven’t watched the show or you have just started, please read at your own risk. These F.R.I.E.N.D.S facts might turn out as spoilers & I don’t want to be the culprit here.

1. Ross and Rachel were always meant to end up together
Yes, you read that right. Our favorite on screen couple were always meant to end up together in the show. All those banter and the infamous, “WE WERE ON A BREAK”, were leading to a finale where Rachel would eventually say, “I got off the plane”. According to the show makers, not only the audience, but they also wanted them to end up together. And as a viewer, I am glad they did. #Ross&RachelForever
2. The episode “The one where no one’s ready” was shot on a budget
One of the most hilarious episode of the entire run,”The one where no one’s ready”, was shot on a budget. The whole episode was shot entirely in Monica’s apartment because there was a significant budget cut. The crew couldn’t have shot in multiple locations. That’s why the whole episode only featured Monica’s apartment. In hindsight, thank god for the budget cut else we wouldn’t have seen Joey dressed up from head to toe in Chandler’s clothes!
3. Jay-Z made a parody of an episode for his music video
The episode “The one where no one’s ready” has inspired a whole music video too! Jay-Z’s music video for the song “Moonlight” was a parody of the episode but with an entire black cast. The parody also features our new queen of Asgard, Tessa Thompson aka Valkyrie as Monica. Although the original episode was hysterical, the parody focuses on a graver issue of Black lives. The video is in tune with the present day uproar on Black Lives Matter and needs to be seen by everyone!
4. F.R.I.E.N.D.S. was the first show to achieve equal pay for the lead cast
Inequality has existed across all show businesses. But long before an actual discussion started on the gender pay gap, the show had already achieved equal pay for the lead cast! But that’s not only it. The lead cast worked as a unit to ensure that they received equal wages. This way, they were earning $75,000 per episode in the third season. And by the end of the series, they were earning a whooping amount of $1 million per episode! Another reason to love this show and the lead actors & actresses.
5. Courtney Cox was never nominated for an Emmy
Let this fact sink in.
This will come as a huge surprise but it is true. Everyone has had at least one nomination. Except Courtney Cox. This is a heartbreaking fact because she definitely deserved an Emmy for her incredible performance as Monica. Let’s start a petition, shall we?
6. Who played the role of ugly naked guy?
This hidden F.R.I.E.N.D.S fact is the king of all facts! In the show, ugly naked guy was a recurring character. Yet, we never saw his face. But do you know the name of the person who played that role?
Surprise, surprise! No one knew the name of the person until 2016! It was due to Huffington Post’s investigation, that the name finally came to light. Remember the name, Jon Haugen.
7. Central Perk was torn down for the finale
Did you know that Central Perk was torn down for the last episode? The set was converted into the airport, where Rachel gets off the plane. *sobbing intensifies*
How many of these F.R.I.E.N.D.S. facts did you know? If you know more, comment down below and surprise us! Till then, go back and see Ross taking Rachel’s name at the altar, again.
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