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Easy healthy drinks for summer!

Summer is here and so is the sweltering heat. There are numerous ways to protect yourself from it but nothing beats easy healthy drinks to beat the heat! We have compiled some easy, sure shot ways to make healthy drinks this summer.

Get your ammunition ready for we are about to go on a easy healthy drinks ride!


Easy healthy drinks for summer!


1. Sattu mixed with salt, onions and green chilly  

If you have a Bihari friend, you must have heard them raving about sattu. It is the powdered form of chickpeas (chana) and a staple drink in Uttar Pradesh & Bihar. But due to its growing popularity, it is now easily available in markets as well. 

The preparation is also really easy. Cut an onion with a few green chillies (depending on your tolerance). Pour about half glass of sattu in a jug. Add 1 spoon of rock salt (kala namak). Add the onions and chillies and pour chilled water. Mix well and squeeze a lemon. Your desi drink is ready! 

It has multiple health benefits too. Sattu keeps your body cool while raw onions protect you from the heatwaves. Chillies and lemon provide ample amount of Vitamin C while salt keeps your electrolytes in check!


2. Watermelon cooler 

Watermelon is easily available across the country during summers. It is a rich source of water (approx. 92%). It will instantly cool you down and quench your thirst! 

Firstly, cut a watermelon into small pieces. And pour them in the grinder. Secondly, add lemon juice and mint leaves (pudina). After that grind them together and your watermelon cooler is ready to be relished! However, you can also add ice cubes to make it merrier.


3. Green smoothie for the win

Greens are essential to maintain our sanity in scorching heat. They are an easy fix to maintain your health in summer season. And it is super easy to make too!

All you need is peeled cucumber with spinach or kale (whatever you can get your hands on). You will also need plain yogurt or curd, honey and mint leaves. Simply pour them together in your grinder and grind well to a thick paste. And your green hulk smoothie is ready! 


4. Banana Peanut Butter shake

Make better use of that peanut butter lying on your dining table. For instance, use it in your banana smoothie for an extra punch of protein! But how?

Simply cut Bananas into small pieces and add it to the grinder. Secondly, add a spoonful of peanut butter with milk. Now grind all of them together to make a Banana Peanut Butter shake! In addition to these, you can also add chocolate syrup as well. 


5. Berry Berry good smoothie

As the name suggests, the main ingredient is berries. Now India has a variety of berries in abundance. Therefore, you can choose any to your liking. Some options of berries are – 

  1. Strawberry
  2. Cranberry
  3. Blueberry
  4. Mulberry
  5. Any local berries found in your native place  

In addition, you can also use another fruit like banana to thicken the consistency. So now that we have our ingredients, grind them together by adding honey in it. Voila! Your Berry smoothie is served! In conclusion, all your easy healthy drinks have been served!

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