5 Facts that you might not know about dogs! – Read to know!
(Source : GIPHY)
Dogs are a man’s best friend is a prominent fact worldwide. But did you know that dogs are as smart as a 2-year-old human baby? I didn’t! This is just one fact you might not have known. Get ready to have your minds blown away with these facts about dogs you might not know!
1. Pariah dogs are not predisposed to develop any ailments!
YES! You read that right. Pariah breed of dogs (read : desi dogs) are not predisposed to any particular disease. This is surprising because many breeds are naturally prone to ailments and have to avoid certain food items. But our desis? They have none!
Therefore, less vet visits and no hassles in terms of feeding. But the amount of love to be given and received in return is the same! If this isn’t the best deal then I don’t know what is! *Desis all the way*

2. Dogs are lactose intolerant
This might come as a shock but the answer is YES. You might not have known about this fact but dogs are lactose intolerant. Now you may ask, “how are puppies able to consume milk from their mothers?”
The answer lies in their physiological makeup. Now, milk contains lactose which is a type of a sugar. In order to break down this sugar, a certain enzyme is released from the body known as “Lactase”.
Puppies have this enzyme in abundance which enables them to digest their mother’s milk. But as they grow, this enzyme starts to diminish and eventually no trace of it is left. Therefore, eventually losing the ability to digest dairy and dairy products.

3. Dog’s sleeping position tells a lot about him
Does your dog sleep all curled up? Or does he sleep with all four legs up in the air? No matter how they sleep, each sleeping position tells a story.
Since dog’s ancestors used to be hunters, they always slept all curled up. As this position is meant to protect their essential body parts and regulate body heat. This might also mean that the dog does not trust its surroundings. This position is known as the “Curly Sue” or “The Donut”.

4. The first living creature to orbit the earth was a DOG!
Among the other facts about dogs, did you know that a dog was the first space visitor? Erstwhile USSR’s ambitious space program gave birth to “Sputnik Spacecraft”. Since they were not willing to risk a human life, they decided to go ahead with a dog. (Because of course, their lives don’t matter at all!)
Hence, Laika, a stray dog, became the first living creature to orbit earth. Unfortunately, she died in that space craft due to her unusually ordinary abilities to manage her life aboard a space craft. Sigh.

5. The grief experienced by a dog’s death is equal to a human’s death
I second this fact as I have been through this experience. Anyone who has ever lost a dog will agree to this fact. The amount of agony and grief is immeasurable. It feels as if you have lost a family member.
This is probably the number one reason why people don’t want to have dogs. The fear of losing him outweighs the amount of love you will receive from him.
But let’s accept the fact that we are mortal and everyone will die one day. Till then, why not live and revel in the love of a dog?
Also Read – Humans love dogs more than other humans. Here’s why!

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