
New Covid-19 Symptoms You Should Know About!

The Covid-19 pandemic isn’t slowing down. With 2.81 million cases worldwide and India crossing the 1 lakh mark, new developments have occurred in the research field. The latest results on research show that new symptoms have come into picture which can be a warning sign for Covid-19.

New Covid-19 Symptoms

COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization. Here are some the new symptoms which are now linked to Covid-19.

NEW COVID-19 symptoms
New symptoms of Covid-19 have come up in the latest research

Loss of smell or taste.

We generally experience loss of smell or taste due to a blocked nose. But doctors recently added “loss of smell” as a potential symptom that may show up alone without any other symptoms, Live Science reported. The symptom was largely present in patients of Britain and a lot of patients may have unknowingly spread the infection.

loss of taste or smell along with cold
Loss of smell or taste has come out to be a new Covid-19 symptom

Pink eye.

NEW COVID-19 symptoms include pink eye infection
Pink eye infection is now a possible symptom for Covid-19.

The general pink eye infection a.k.a conjunctivitis may now be possible Covid-19 symptom. Patients of the Corona virus are likely observed to suffer from a pink eye. This shows that the virus may be transferred through the eye and nasal fluids as well. A study proposed in JAMA ophthalmology stated conjunctivitis as a new symptom for Covid-19.

Intense chills.

 symptoms include intense chills and shaking
Image Source: TOI

We usually ignore it when we get chills during fever. However, if you’re experiencing cold accompanied by intense shaking, you should visit the hospital. “‘Chills” come out as a prominent Covid-19 symptom after a news reporter broke his tooth after intense shaking!


NEW COVID-19 symptoms include extreme headaches with pain around eyes and temples.
NEW COVID-19 symptoms include extreme headaches

Having a headache during cold is no news to us. What’s new is it can also occur if you’ve acquired the coronavirus infection. The patient suffers from a debilitating headache accompanied by pain in the temples and around the eye. Such headaches accompanied by cold is now a symptom of Covid-19.

Muscle pain.

muscle pain in elders is a persistent symptom
Muscle pain is seen mostly in elders as a symptom of Covid-19

We often experience muscle pain due to inactivity or stiffness. Many patients, mostly elders are complaining about “myalgia” (pain around the muscles and the joints) as a persistent symptom. Muscle pain happens when the virus attacks the tissues and cells and triggers an inflammatory reaction. 

This symptom has been commonly found in severe cases and not in people suffering from milder infections.

Sore throat.

NEW COVID-19 symptoms include sore throat
Dry cough and sore throat are among the new Covid-19 symptoms

Cough is a common Covid-19 symptom. However, recent patients have shown an unusual dry cough accompanied by a sore throat. This occurs when the virus attacks the respiratory tract. Almost 60% of COVID-19 positive cases report sore throat, along with a dry cough as a typical symptom.

Skin rashes or discoloration.

skin rashes or discoloration on toes are a new discovery
NEW COVID-19 symptoms include skin rashes or discoloration on toes

Skin rashes have a to Covid-19. Some people might get rashes in the form of tiny red spots while others may suffer from larger flat or raised lesions. Some might have a hive-like appearance, while others may look like frostbitten toes. However it’s not clear if these symptoms are directly related to the virus or result of other factors like a charged up immune system.

stay alert andd updated regarding COVID-19
Take proper precautions and stay updated with the medical developments

On average it takes 5–6 days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms to show, however it can take up to 14 days. People with mild symptoms who are otherwise healthy should manage their symptoms at home and seek immediate medical attention of observing serious symptoms.

You can find details regarding further advancement in the field and guidance here. In these perilous times, it’s imperative to take our health seriously. Keep a check on your diet and exercise. Let’s all contribute our bits by following the needful and cooperating with the officials.

Stay home, stay alert, stay safe!

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