
Alarming traits of partner affecting your mental health.

We all know that relationships require hard work and certain compromises. But any compromise disturbing your mental health isn’t healthy. People chose to continue to remain in toxic relations and bare the brute of it just to maintain them. Here are some traits of your partner which affect your mental health.

1. Lack of personal space

lack of personal space and its effect on mental health
Lack of personal space results in a suffocating relationship

There is a time when you are so much in love that you can’t get enough of your partner. It’s adorable and we totally get that!

However much in love, we always require some personal space right?!

It doesn’t take long to realize when your partner is constantly present with you, physically or virtually. This may seem romantic at the start but will surely make you feel suffocated and irritated.

2. Lack of trust

lack of trust often results in spying
lack of trust often results in spying

It’s important to let your partner know about your personal boundaries as it can lead to you feeling constantly angry, agitated, or claustrophobic in the relation.

Does your partner check your phone, not let you talk with people who aren’t under their influence, or constantly calls when you are out with your gang? these are signs of lack of trust.

The frequency of these instances tends to increase if not kept in check. You may feel completely detached from everyone else resulting in loneliness, depression, and negativity.

Trust is one of the most important aspects of any relationship as it brings about a sense of security and peace. Now one can say ” I trust you with my life” but not necessarily mean it.

In order to maintain a healthy relation, it’s important for both partners to trust each other with fidelity and allow freedom.

3. Physical Abuse

say no to physical abuse and its effect on mental health
physical abuse should not be tolerated

Despite the awareness regarding domestic violence, you might be surprised to know this trait is quite common in our society. people tend to neglect it by justifying it and saying “Aree, it was just one time” or, “it was my fault and I deserved it”.

Any sort of physical abuse should NOT be tolerated.

The person on the receiving end, be it male or female, should not tolerate this abuse as it not only creates serious mental disturbances but is also a crime.

You might feel constantly afraid, clamped, and demeaned in relation. This leads to extreme trauma, stress, and depression.

If you’re on the receiving end, discuss the issue in the presence of a third party or take appropriate action.

4. A Self-centered partner

self-centered partner can make you feel extremely lonely
A self-centered partner can make you feel extremely lonely

If your partner is self-centered, let them be by themselves!

This trait is so common that it mostly goes unnoticed. If you are with a self-centered partner, it’s likely that you’d be the giver in the relation.

Have you ever felt extremely alone and lonely during a rough patch? Have you felt that your partner isn’t able to acknowledge your emotions? A self-centered partner is generally distant and emotionally unavailable

This trait has long term harmful effects on your mental health. It will result in low self-esteem and self-worth as you would be in constant need to please your partner.

It’s best for you to voice out our feelings and make sure that you have an equal right to ask for love and attention.

After all who doesn’t like to feel important and loved, right?!

5. Comparing

comparing and its effect on mental health
your partner often compares your qualities with someone else which results in dissatisfaction and negativity in a relation

Here’s another trait that can harm your mental health… comparing is never a good option for any relationship.

Your partner may be comparing you to his/her ex, fellow friend’s spouse, or a celebrity for that matter! This often leads to jealousy and an unsatisfactory relationship.

Apart from your l confidence dwindling, this leads to severe self-worth problems. In no time you would see yourself to lose a few pounds or change your hairstyle. In a sense, you start to lose your self-identity without realizing which eventually leads to depression.

If your partner is showing such traits, make sure to speak out and maintain your self worth.

6. Controlling

controlling partner and its effect on mental health
be aware of your partners controlling actions and take appropriate measures

Controlling is such a common trait that no one thinks it will affect your mental health. However there can be many degrees of control.

Your partner can just ask for your Fb or Insta password and or not allow you to talk with your friends from the opposite sex. There have been severe controlling cases where they won’t allow their partners to even go out alone or post pictures without prior permission.

It all may seem normal but leads to a lack of freedom, feeling claustrophobic and submissive, and makes one dependent.

We all want to feel loved. But it shouldn’t come at the price of our mental health.

It’s always a good idea to keep your mental health on a check and refrain from such toxic relationships. If you find similar traits in you and partner, make sure you take proper measures and be mentally healthy and positive.

If you are trying to get over a toxic relationship, check this for self care tips.

Let’s take a step towards becoming mentally healthy and positive! Love yourself and stay happy!

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