
Top 5 Natural Packs to help you get through Summer!

Relaxing with a DIY natural pack on the face and your favorite playlist in the background is the perfect way to spend your summer afternoon. Ain’t I right?! With a variety of fruits and veggies available in the season, it’s the perfect time to give your skin its share of love!

Most of us are in our houses due to lockdown…but let’s face it… staying home ain’t sparing our face from getting oily, pimple-prone and dry! Here are some simple yet ingenious DIY natural packs you can try at home with basic ingredients.

Top 5 Natural Packs for Summer

1) Besan and curd natural pack

Besan and curd face mask
Get desi with the besan and curd mask!

Besan/ gram flour is a good exfoliator that helps get rid of dead skin cells and dirt on your face. It also works to unclog pores and reduce the appearance of acne and blemishes. The combination of curd and Besan will not only whiten but also moisturize your skin.

To make this natural pack, take roughly equal parts curd and besan and make a paste of it. Applied on your face and leave it for 20 minutes until dry. You can also add a pinch of turmeric for its antibacterial properties.

Apply twice or thrice a week and get glowing beautiful skin!

2) Aloe vera and cucumber face mask

natural pack including aloe vera
get smooth skin using the aloe vera – cucumber natural pack

Aloe vera is at least nourishing and hydrating on the skin. It soothes irritated skin and can treat an infection. Meanwhile, cucumber makes the skin soft and smooth.

To make this natural pack, combine one tablespoon of aloe vera gel with a tablespoon’s worth of cucumber pulp.

Apply this mixture on your face and leave it on for at least 30 minutes.

Use this on your face at least four times a week to keep your skin soft and supple!

3. Papaya face mask

natural pack including papaya
let’s get fruity this summer!do try this papaya natural face pack

Missing your facials and cleanups in lock down? Worry not as we have the perfect solution!

Papaya is an easily available fruit in summers. It’s full of anti-aging properties and also a natural exfoliator.

Just take a few slices of papaya and mash them into a smooth paste. Apply it on your face and leave it for at least 15 mins. You can also add a bit of honey for extra softness.

And there you have your anti aging DIY pack at home! Exciting isn’t it?

4) Lemon and honey natural face pack

natural pack including lemon and honey
get minty fresh skin this summer with the lemon-honey natural pack

Doesn’t the idea of minty, lemony pack make you feel rejuvenated?! This will particularly help you ward off greasy skin.

For this one, mix equal parts of lemon juice and honey (most suitable will be a tablespoon of each) with an egg white and mix them thoroughly. Keep it on your face with 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it away with water.

This natural pack will surely make you feel the minty freshness we all die for in summer!

5) Tomato face pack

tomato face mask
get rid of oily, tanned skin with this tomato face pack

Are you one of those who have tanned and oily skin? Here’s your chance to hit Ek teer se do nishaane!

Take out one tomato’s pulp and mix it with a bit of honey. Apply this mixture on places you want to de-tan. Leave it for 15 minutes and rinse with cold water.

And there you have it! De-tanned and soft skin in no time!

BONUS! Milk face pack

This is a highly recommend mask that leaves you with soft and glowing skin. It improves complexion and soothes the skin from at least.

milk face pack
milk face pack is highly recommended!

For this face pack, take half a bowl of raw, unboiled milk add some honey to it.

If you have dry skin, use full fat milk and if you have oily skin, opt for skimmed milk. The honey will further nourish your skin.

Apply it on your face or if it is too liquidy, simply splash it on your face. Another good addition is gram flour or besan to milk as it will form a paste. Apply it and let it dry. Avoid the area around the eyes. After that wash off with water and pat dry your skin.

Aren’t these super easy and affordable?! Not to mention that these are completely natural packs and hence no side effects! However, a patch test is always recommended.

Don’t limit yourself to these packs only! Try these various fun masks and get creative! So let’s beat the heat and cool ourselves by using these DIY masks!

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