10 Literary Destinations to Visit this Fall
Flipping through the pages and reading our favorite books. We all can agree, we have dreamt of visiting those ethereal destinations. Whether it’s the Bennet Mansion or the cottage where Hemingway produced so many works. Therefore, we have made it easy for you by enlisting 10 literary destinations around the globe you can visit this fall.
1. Kolkata, India
We are talking about literary destinations, so how can we forget the city of Kolkata. The centre point of many of the biggest bookish events like Apeejay Kolkata Literary Festival and International Kolkata Book Fair. Kolkata has everything to quench your bookish appetite.

From the adda sessions of Indian Coffee House to the Colony of Books, Kolkata is a rich destination for every reader or writer. Seagull Books, an independent publisher, and the bookstore is a perfect way to end your Kolkata literary itinerary.
2. Bath, England
Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Emma. What connects all of them? Yes, you guessed it right. Jane Austen. Bath, England is the home of the 19th-century writer, Jane Austen. It’s also the backdrop of her novels, Persuasion and Northanger Abbey.

Jane Austen Centre gives a glimpse of the work and life of the writer and the life of the 19th-century. Also, keep your schedule clear for the Jane Austen Festival in September.
3. Dublin, Ireland
Dublin, Ireland, a home for many great writers. James Joyce, William Trevour, Patrick Kavanagh, you name it. But apart from this, there’s one more reason. Trinity College Library. One of the largest libraries, having a size of 7,000,000 volumes. The main chamber of Old Room, 65 meter long occupies 200,000 old books of Library. Every reader’s dream!

4. Universal Studios’ Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Los Angeles
We all have dreamt of going Hogwarts. Now, you can make your dream true. Universal Studios’ Wizarding World of Harry Potter is for all the Potterheads.

Enjoy the ride in Hogwarts Express. Drink Hogsmeade Village’s Butterbear. Above all, the secrets of Hogwarts Castle and Diagon Alley awaits you.
5. Shakespeare and Company, France
Shakespeare and Company in France is every readers’ paradise. Present from 1919, Shakespeare and Company is a hub of second hand and antiquarian books. Furthermore, a free reading library, open to the public.

6. Prague
It’s not wrong to term Prague as the epicentre of readers and writers. Firstly, it’s a home of authors like Franz Kafka, Milan Kundera, and many more.

Moreover, bookstores like Globe and Page Five are waiting to welcome you. Author events at Shakespeare and Sons and Franz Kafka Museum are must-watch treats in Prague.
7. Hay-on-Wye, Wales

8. The Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum, Key-West Florida

Also, a bonus, if you’re a cat lover you’re going to love this place. Because every cat descends from Hemingway’s feline friends.
9. American Writers’ Museum, Chicago
If you had always a knack for American writers like Ernest Hemingway or Toni Morrison, this place is for you. It is one of the few literary destinations with such a diverse history of American Writers. Likewise, it has many independent bookstores for the bibliophile in you!

10. Edinburgh, Scotland
No literary destination caught your sight yet? This one will. Firstly, Edinburgh is J.K. Rowling’s place. She wrote many of her novels here. Furthermore, Edinburgh Castle is Hogwarts in real. Confirmed to give you a magical experience.

The literary destinations are waiting to welcome you!