Kick out Bad Ones
Kick out Bad Ones: A habit is an action or a usual behaviour that you often and regularly perform without thinking. Sometimes habit is something which is hard to stop.
Kick out Bad Ones
Doing regular exercises, eating healthy diet, good hygiene, never giving up in any situation, managing money wisely, puntual for time, ask for what you want or any behaviour that is beneficial to one’s physical or mental health, are considered under good habits.

Its vice versa like something which is not beneficial to one’s physical or mental health are joined under bad habits.
Everybody has a bad habit, some are aware and some are not aware about their bad habit. consumption of alcohol, smoking, having drugs or sexual promiscuity are a bad habit which also comes under addiction.
This is something that is undesirable behaviour pattern which everybody want to kick out.
It is quite difficult but not impossible to get rid of these bad habits.
To break a habit you should be aware about your bad ones, practice your mind to think about bad habit instead of taking action on it.
Stress and boredom are sometimes the main cause of being addicted, to avoid taking in, try to be busy in other work.
Using the words “I don’t” instead of “I can’t” could actually help to make better choices. To replace bad habit to good one use an “if-then” plan of action.
It is hard to eliminate a bad habit so try to replace it by Surrounding yourself with people who live the way you want to live.
Don’t need to be someone else, you just need to return to the old you.