Funny Things People do when no one is watching
Funny Things People Do: We have two sides just like the coin is having head & tail. The same we all have. The head face of us usually showed as a well-mannered person and the tails face of us shhhhhhhhh….. to dangerous side and we hardly admitted the things done by us.
Here, we have plenty of examples, which you surely admitted in your mind but you would just die if someone saw you do.
So yeah – we all do them and there’s no reason to be ashamed about it.
Funny Things People do when no one is watching
1.Eat something that fell on the ground:
If you are a foodie, then this is totally relatable. Little dirt or dogs hair never hurts? NEVER!!!
Right no matter what happened to our food we just picked up, because we believe food is life & why to waste it.
2.Stalk an Ex on Facebook:
If for stalking someone people get paid then no doubt we all became rich. Whether girls & boys everyone loves to do stalking and sometimes we all used the “View profile as” feature to view your own profile for stalking.
3. Pee in the shower:
When its come to pee, we hardly waste our time, but why waste all that time when you could just do it while you taking the shower? It all washes away right away.
4. Take Selfies & immediately delete them:
We all loves to click the selfies, when we looks good,but you know the samethings , we do when we are alone. Clicking the 100 of pics (no matter how we look) & then we delete the picture because every single pic #ew.

5. Pick your nose:
We have done this. NOT A SINGLE TIMES BUT 1000 THOUSANDS TIMES. And if you haven’t then you’re lying. Hey no shame- nothing better than picking a winner & rolling it.

6. Pass Gas:
TOO loudly & feel relax because we don’t have to pretend that no I am not the one who do this.
7. Examine the tissue after blowing your nose:
Nothing feels better than blowing your nose, Especially when you’re sick and there is a ton of gunk in your napkin and we all staring it.
“Bhai ye green kyu hota”

8. Talking with our stomach:
There is something about stomach rolls, we have all got them-that is only thing which makes us think they are alive.
No doubt, we all use our hands and have a fake conversation with…yourself & your skin.
9. Dance weirdly & wildly:
We all love dance!!. But our moves & the steps somehow changes when we are alone or when no-one is watching us. VOLUME UPS – hey to the dance floor and welcome our weirdly and wildly moves.
If someone saw your this moves, he/she probably stop calling you in their PARTY!!.

10. Online shopping:
We all loves shopping, No doubt. When we are alone , we spend hours, hours,….. on an online shopping site filling up our cart with clothes, bags, shoes- and we all know we are not going to buy them in the end.