Relationship, the state of being connected, when two people are associated emotionally, more than anything. Being in a relationship can be immensely comforting but can definitely be exasperating pain too. It’s complicated, sometimes it’s too easy, sometimes it’s too tough, sometimes you just can’t let go and sometimes you can’t even hold it. What’s important is that people in the relationship should be happy and the relationship should be healthy. Questions now: What is a healthy relationship and What sticks people together attachment, habit, comfort?
Merely being attracted to somebody does not ensure a healthy relationship. A healthy relationship involves so much more than just liking somebody for their looks or personality or taking time out to go on dates and stuff. Being in a relationship is easy but making sure that it is a healthy one, is a big responsibility and something that each one of us deserves.
Love either brings out the best in you or the worst. Hence it is up to you to decide what your relationship with your partner is going to be like: – the one that makes you and your partner feel good almost all the time or the one that is agonising and stressful basically, a challenge that most people are not up for.
Want to know what that “RELATIONSHIP GOALS” buzz is all about? Well, I have it all summarized for you here.
No relationship is perfect just like no relationship can be compared with another. But there are certain things that a relationship needs to have in order to breathe.
Listed below are the essentials of The Healthy Relationship potion:
First and foremost requirement of a healthy relationship is that there should be love. If you do not love your partner then the whole relationship is a sham. Loving your partner is not defined by putting a heart emoji next to his/her name or knowing each other’s phone passcodes. The loveless relationship is always more prone to eventually die than other relationships. Besides this, don’t you think everybody deserves love? I mean the whole point of being in a relationship with somebody is having to feel the purest emotion, which is LOVE.
Open, honest and healthy communication is the key to a healthy relationship. It is a tried and tested theory that couples who communicate freely with each other are so happy with their relationships. Bottled up emotions are like time ticking bombs that are supposed to blast sooner or later.
Speak up about your fears or whatever is bothering you. This not only helps you release all that is building up inside of you but also helps your partner understand you even better. Communicating about things helps your partner to open up too. Problems get sorted easily since they are been talked about and your partner feels his/her opinions and feelings matter. Not to forget they start respecting yours too.
Trust is a two-way street. While you expect your partner to be honest and loyal with you, you need to make sure that you do the same. Trust is the foundation of any relationship. It wouldn’t come as a shock that being cheated on is a deal breaker for most people.
Just because you are in a relationship that does not mean that you have to give up your self-respect or your virtues. Compromising your self-respect shall NEVER be an option. Also being a hypocrite is not the ideal way to be in a relationship with your partner. So, if you expect him/her to never put you in a position that makes you give up your virtues or self-respect, you shall also never do that to him/her.
Everyone wants a partner that takes a stand when required. One who always has your back. The solid rock that you can rely on. Nobody wants a backstabbing, manipulative, a total control freak for a partner. It’s a tough world out there and nothing beats the misery than a supportive and caring partner. So, try to be your partner’s umbrella in the rain or scorching heat and I am sure he/she will do too.
The fundamental principle of any relationship is accepting your partner for who he/she is rather than changing them according to your own needs. Point is, you can make developments with your own self, try to make the relationship work by inculcating above points on your end. But you shall not force your partner to change. Instead, you shall hope he does all of that out of love and respect for you as you did. A relationship is not a business transaction despite all the stupid definitions you read online. Hence no ”QUID PRO QUO”. Expecting isn’t wrong, forcing your expectations is. Besides, a dedicated and loving partner does not need reminders about stuff like this.
A healthy relationship is a sum total of so many elements like the ones mentioned above. For what it is worth, your relationship won’t have any loose ends to trip on. Loving someone with everything does not require you to throw reasoning out of the window also it does not involve you to be scientific about it too. But what it does involve is dedication and more importantly love. There is no perfect recipe to follow to have a healthy relationship, but this article was just a little effort to give you an idea about what it takes to be in one.
If you are not indulged in one yet, I hope you fall head over heels in love with an amazing soul and it works out just the way you want it to.